M&D or It's about Religion

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 27 15:10:36 CDT 2002

Don't know 'bout "must," less'n we're talkin' the ol'
saw which claims that the hero/central
character/whatever must undergo some kinda sorta
Change (which Mason doesn't...?), but, by and large,
a.greed.  But you 'n' Keith the new Mean Kids here? 
Damn ...

--- Terrance <lycidas2 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> If M&D is a novel about Slavery, it must be novel
> about Dixon. 
> Pynchon's novels are all "Tales About America"
> (MD.7) 
> They all have an American Hero. 
> They are all quest narratives:  in search of  V, not
> so much what has been or what could be but what
> could have been, a fork in the road, a Prairie, a
> subjunctive America. 
> Dixon is the hero.

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