re Re: SLSL "TSR" - "plowboy"

John Bailey johnbonbailey at
Mon Dec 2 18:27:14 CST 2002

"Ya know, Fink, ordinarily we say anything you might remember could be 
helpful. But I'll be frank with you: That is not helpful."

Barton Fink (J&E Coen)

We're not detectives on a big murder case. Let fly with the critical, 
personal, anecdotal (inc. childhood Frog stories, I liked that, myself), 
intertextual (like P doesn't go overboard on these?), anachronistic, 
decontextualised, badly written or poorly explained, puzzling, 
regionally-biased, overly long or nigh-incoherent commentaries, folks. I'll 
read them. It's been a very good SL so far, and that's just from the list 
(don't own a copy, either, mea culpa...)

Also, there seem to be a lot more Jewish characters in Pynchon's early 
works? Why is that? I don't know.

>From: William Zantzinger <williamzantzinger at>
>Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 09:19:13 -0800 (PST)
>I was talking about the critical stuff. Actually, what
>I was trying to say is that I hope that we talk about
>the tale and not assume that the critical literature
>has exhausted the discussion and therefore we need
>only talk about the critical stuff.

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