SLSL "assembly line"

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Tue Dec 3 11:57:35 CST 2002

E.g., again, Henri Matisse, Jackson Pollock ...

--- William Zantzinger <williamzantzinger at>
> Pasiphaƫ? We are all well read smartasses on this
> list and we have n o idea why Tom tossed this in to
> the tale. We can specualte until the cows come home
> and that's fun to do but we have no clue what the
> hell it has to do with TSR. 

Well, that's the fun of it.  All these details ...

> It was a popular subject of art at the time so P
> could have picked it up in a magazine or at a
> museum, abstract expressionism for example. 

That was my guess (see above).  But now I'm
interested, why Pasiphae in any of these instances? 
Always some contemporary reason for these historical
et al. references, allusions, whatever ...

> Who knows?

Those who know, know.  We, in the other nostril ...

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