SLSL "TSR" frogs = death?

Mutualcode at Mutualcode at
Fri Dec 6 22:27:47 CST 2002

In a message dated 12/6/02 9:09:28 AM, ottosell at writes:

<< That's absolutely right. But in the case of Pynchon's frogs a critic should

talk about and look at the Greek play and then reject it as a possible


Otto >>

If that's what a critic should do, i.e., "reject it as a possible allusion,"
then I'm glad I'm not a critic. Which doesn't mean that all possible
allusions are equaly valid, or, that there is no valid interpretation, but
that there are many allusions, some perhaps more valid than others, 
but all equally existent. Rejection would invest the rejected with a
special significance, albeit negative, that would continue to haunt,
given the dialectics of reason, even to the extent that the ordained
would become predicated on the ghost of the banished. 


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