SLSL It's raining Frogs & Mirrors

Elainemmbell at Elainemmbell at
Sat Dec 14 09:19:57 CST 2002

Off topic question re George Bush (advisory so you can hit delete now if 
you're sick to death of politics):

I was engaged in a family medical emergency for the greater part of last week 
so apparently missed the fracture of Canadian/American relations when 
Somebody Of Note in Canada called GW a "moron" in some public forum.  (See 
what happens when I'm not paying attention? Mea culpa!)  I caught the 
straggle end of an NPR discussion of the "Moron Issue" in which the announcer 
claimed that Canada/USA are like a big family and all big families sometimes 
have problems, noting that the "Bush Moron Issue" remains "unresolved" (I had 
thought it easily resolved.  Who's confused about the accuracy of the 

Anyway, can someone point me to a relatively objective article or explanation 
of who said what to whom and what happened next?  NPR's slant is too 
obviously in accord with my own so I can't fully trust the piece of the 
report I heard.  Very curious.  Are we sending Henry Kissinger to Montreal 
anytime soon to look for Weapons of Mass Franconization?  Anything is 

Thanks for your help!

Elaine M.M. Bell, Writer
(860) 523-9225
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