MDDM Ch. 32 Summary, Notes

Mutualcode at Mutualcode at
Sun Feb 3 06:37:54 CST 2002

In a message dated 2/3/02 5:17:06 AM, jbor at writes:

<< Pitt and Pliny notice the aggressive turn in Mason and Dixon's conversation

at the end of the previous chapter, and crave its devolution into fisticuffs

and bloodshed. >>

Dixon's recognition that perhaps he's been manipulated by Mason, and 
has been for awhile, does not seem to offer him any relief. Indeed, one can
almost feel his face aching, as if he had been in the dentist's office too
long, as he implores Mason to do for him what he feels he has been doing 
so long for Mason. They seem about ready to square off over the cross 
shared between them. It has become a mutual burden. Dixon's apparent 
lack of success in obtaining any sympathy for this ordeal from Dolly can't 
have helped his mood. In fact, he seems to have been enlisted 
(or manipulated) into helping her with elevating Molly's mood, and for 
little of what he wants in return. He has been doing double duty.

Not too mention being well pumped for information by that female
tag team, most of which is probably going directly back to Big Ben.

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