ahab as luddite (Quakerism)

Samuel Moyer smoyer at satx.rr.com
Fri Feb 8 08:19:45 CST 2002

> >>>What does "archontic" mean?<<<
> "of or pertaining to an archon"

 A. adj. Of or pertaining to an archon.

B. n. One of a sect of Gnostic heretics in the 2nd century, who held that
the world was created by archontes (). See ARCHON 3.


    - A fiddlebow; ? a plectrum.

   1. The chief magistrate, and, after the time of Solon, one of the nine
chief magistrates of the Athenian republic.

   2. A ruler or president generally.

   3. A power subordinate to the Deity, held by some of the Gnostics to have
made the world.


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