rosenkreuz (m&d related)

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Tue Feb 12 04:01:23 CST 2002

                                                 "es steht das kreuz mit rosen
                                                 dicht umschlungen/wer hat dem  
                                                kreuze rosen zugestellt?/...    
                                               und aus der mitte quillt ein     
                                              heilig leben/dreifacher strahlen,
                                             die aus  e i n e m  punkte dringen" 
                                            ~ goethe, die geheimnisse, 1784-86 ~ 

in his last interview, israel regardie (1907-1985), who combined rosicrucian 
mysticism with reichian bodywork for purposes of psychotherapy, spoke about the 
history of the movement ---

"q: to change topics on you quickly, what are the mysterious rosicrucians? are  
 they similar to the secret chiefs? (laughter)

a: they were not ever spoken of as secret chiefs. it was a group of unknown 
people who were quite evidently christians, christian mystics, who had 
apparently become aware of the mystical traditions which predated their lord by 
aeons. by the way, one of the legends states that one of them, the very father 
of the order, christian rosencreutz, had been brought up in a catholic 
monastery, and at an early age had traveled all over europe and the middle east 
and north africa where he had been initiated into the qabalah, alchemy and 
magic, etc. and brought it back to europe, to his native monastery. there he 
initiated three or four of his brethren and thus began the rosicrucian oder. 
some critics are inclined to say that is mythology. be that as it may, and it 
may well be mythology, but by the end of the 17th century, there were small 
bodies of people which had sprung up using the three rosicrucian classics as the 
basis for their fraternity and were teaching the qabalah, magic and alchemy, 
obviously in a very secret way. 
the protestant and catholic churches would have made very short work of them if 
they had come out in the open with that kind of knowledge. but they were 
attracting bodies of people to them, or small groups of people and setting up 
organizations which used the word rosicrucian in one way or another. some of 
them infiltrated the masonic order which had its origin around the same time, 
the early part of the 18th century. in fact there was a degree in one of the 
rites, the scottish rite, which is called the rose croix degree. this may imply 
that some of the rosicrucian bodies had made a link with the masons as a means 
of pepetuating their knowledge. this is one theory. the other theory is that the 
jesuits who were intent on destroying the rosicrucians and the masons had set up 
phony degrees as a means of bringing discredit to this rosicrucian movement."  

 ~ in his "emblemata sacra" a guy named daniel cramer wrote in 1617:

                    "i make honey

                    the death by cross was cursed
                    in front the eye of god.
                    now it's smooth entirely
                    through christ's judgement death."

   the picture shows indefatigable bees buzzing around the rosy cross ... come 
   on now, taste it, the honey is for all! kai 

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