MDDM23: La Cuisine
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at
Mon Feb 25 13:04:32 CST 2002
"Year by year, sleepless and too often smileless, I
acquir'd the arts of la Cuisine,-- until, one day, at
last, I had become a Chef. And presently, as these
things unfold, Paris was at my feet.
"I'll say it for you,-- poor Paris! Here were
great Houses getting into violent feuds over my pates,
the Queen commenting upon my Blanquette de Veau. I
quickly grew too self-important to understand that it
was my Novelty they were after, not my cooking,-- a
realization I delay'd for longer than prov'd wise...."
(M&D, Ch. 37, p. 371)
His nouvelle, and not his cuisine, that is ...
"Blanquette de Veau" (p. 371)
Veal stew in a white sauce ...
Main Entry: blan·quette
Pronunciation: blän-'ket
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Provençal blanqueto, from
blanc white, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High
German blanch white
Date: 1727
: a stew of light meat or seafood in a white sauce
<blanquette of veal> <blanquette of lobster>
"Canard au Pamplemousse Flambe" (p. 374)
Duck in flaming grapefruit liqueur? Duck and
grapefruit in flaming liqueur? Whichever ...
Main Entry: flam·bé
Pronunciation: fläm-'bA, flän-
Function: adjective
Etymology: French flambé, from past participle of
flamber to flame, singe, from Old French, from flambe
Date: 1914
: dressed or served covered with flaming liquor --
usually used postpositively <crepes suzette flambé>
Main Entry: flambé
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): flam·béed; flam·bé·ing
Date: circa 1946
: to douse with a liquor (as brandy, rum, or cognac)
and ignite
"Canard avec Aubergines en Casserole" (p. 374)
Duck with eggplant in a casserole ...
Main Entry: au·ber·gine
Pronunciation: 'O-b&r-"zhEn
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Catalan albergínia, from
Arabic al-bAdhinjAn the eggplant
Date: 1794
1 chiefly British : EGGPLANT
Main Entry: cas·se·role
Pronunciation: 'ka-s&-"rOl also 'ka-z&-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, saucepan, from Middle French,
diminutive of casse ladle, dripping pan, from Old
Provençal cassa, probably ultimately from Greek
kyathos ladle
Date: 1708
1 : a dish in which food may be baked and served
2 : food cooked and served in a casserole
3 : a deep round usually porcelain dish with a handle
used for heating substances in the laboratory
"Fantaisie des Canettes" (p. 374)
Fantasia of female ducklings ...
Main Entry: fan·ta·sia
Pronunciation: fan-'tA-zh&, -z(h)E-&; "fan-t&-'zE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, literally, fancy, from Latin
phantasia -- more at FANCY
Date: 1724
1 : a free usually instrumental composition not in
strict form
2 a : a work (as a poem or play) in which the author's
fancy roves unrestricted b : something possessing
grotesque, bizarre, or unreal qualities
"Insects d'Etang a l'Etoufee" (p. 377)
Steamed (seafood) or braised (meat) pond insects ...
Main Entry: étouf·fée
Variant(s): also etouf·fee /"A-tü-'fA/
Function: noun
Etymology: Louisiana French, from French à l'étouffée
braised, from feminine of étouffé, past participle of
étouffer to smother, from Old French estofer,
alteration of estoper to plug up -- more at ESTOP
Date: circa 1933
: a Cajun stew of shellfish or chicken served over
For those of you who are culinarily inclined ...
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