MDDM23: Aix-la-Chapelle

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Tue Feb 26 10:59:17 CST 2002

   "Feeling like a young man in a Fable, who has us'd
up all but one Wish, I sent out my last note, held my
breath, and was lucky,-- upon the basis of a Chill'd
Brain Mousse, invented to celebrate the Peace of
Aix-la-Chapelle, I was able to secure passage to
Martinique, and thence, through months of
trans-shipment, in ev'rything from Pirogue to Pirate
Ship, at last to New Castle upon Delaware, where I
stepp'd ashore in the moonless Dark,-- as it was said,
that the people there did not interfere with these
nocturnal Landings, being ever in dread of the French
and Spanish Privateers...." (M&D, Ch. 37, p. 381)

Anyone want to whip up that Chill'd Brain Mousse?

Main Entry: 1mousse 
Pronunciation: 'müs
Function: noun
Etymology: French, literally, froth, moss, of Germanic
origin; akin to Old High German mos moss -- more at
Date: 1892
1 : a light spongy food usually containing cream or
2 : a molded chilled dessert made with sweetened and
flavored whipped cream or egg whites and gelatin
<chocolate mousse> 
3 : a foamy preparation used in styling hair

Hence the "Chill'd Brain"?  Anyway ...

Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of

1 Compact of May 2, 1668, that ended the French
invasion of the Spanish Netherlands (see Devolution,
War of). France kept most of its conquests in
Flanders; Cambrai, Aire, Saint-Omer, and the province
of Franche-Comté were returned to Spain; and the
remainder of Spain’s possessions in the Low Countries
were guaranteed by the Triple Alliance. 2 Treaty of
1748, ending the War of the Austrian Succession. In
general, it restored the status quo ante, but it
awarded Silesia and Glatz to Prussia and conferred the
duchies of Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla on the
Spanish infante Philip. It confirmed the pragmatic
sanction of 1713, and it renewed Britain’s privilege
(acquired 1713) over transporting slaves to Spanish
America, the trade agreements with Britain regarding
the Spanish colonies, and the recognition of the
Protestant succession in England.

Note that John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich
(1718-1792), "First Lord of the Admiralty, rebuilt the
English Navy, but America was lost 'on his watch,'"
"represented England ... at the conclusion of treaty
of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748" ...

William Wordsworth, Memorials of a Tour on the
Continent, VI. "Aix-la-Chapelle" (1820) ...

Aix-la-Chapelle = Aachen ...

And see also ...

Main Entry: pi·rogue 
Pronunciation: 'pE-"rOg
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Spanish piragua, from Carib
Date: 1666
2 : a boat like a canoe

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