What next

Mike Weaver mikeweaver at gn.apc.org
Thu Jul 4 19:43:09 CDT 2002

jbor wants
>  to reassess some of the more
>extravagant claims which have been made vis à vis "Pynchon's politics",
>claims which do seem to revolve around a fairly selective reading of that
>particular novel.
A Vineland reading appeals to me for the opposite reason to jbor, a chance 
to reassess and reassert the claims made about P's politics rather than 
reduce him to the fence sitting liberal that some on this list want him to be.
Yes Dave, I know it's Art and not political prescriptions that he produces 
but the political observations in his writings have provided many of us 
with useable tools for determining priorities of action. In terms of 
artistry Vineland may be his least novel, I can understand MalignD's 
complaint since he seems to judge literary value only. As an evocative 
examination of dissent in the U.S.A. it is of the highest order.
BUT, come what may, let's carry on with the empty DM and make the what next 
decision when it is a looming question.

WRT the idea of themed readings it could be that different people take 
sections of each novel, mine them for thematic significance and throw the 
results into the hopper, in parallel rather than series as it is with the 
chapter by chapter readings. This month sex, next month death... that sort 
of thing.

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