M&D background: web sites

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Fri Jul 5 13:47:07 CDT 2002

The History of Jim Crow

This new educator's site takes users on a journey through American history
by highlighting the era of Jim Crowism, lynching, and the disfranchisement
of African Americans from the 1870s through the 1950s. Designed and created
by educators from all across the country, this site is equipped with
historical essays, lesson plans, and other resources designed to assist
history and literature teachers with the development of an educational
curriculum concerning Jim Crowism. Beyond the above, the site also contains
an image gallery consisting of historical photographs from archives across
America that offer visual perspectives of the Jim Crow years; an American
literature book list for middle school, high school, and college-level
students; and an interactive encyclopedia that offers users access to terms,
people, and events relating to the history of Jim Crow. Additionally, the
site has a geography section featuring maps that give "a multi-layered look
at the impact of Jim Crow on the social and political landscape of the
nation," and contains first hand narratives from people who actually lived
and experienced life under Jim Crow. Although designed by and for teachers,
this site is valuable for anyone interested in African American history and
literature. [MG]

5.  The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820

Recipients of the 1999 LC/Ameritech Award, University of Chicago Library and
Filson Historical Society of Louisville (KY) contributed this collection to
American Memory in 2002. It consists of 15,000 pages of original historical
material that documents European exploration and settlement of the Ohio
River Valley. The majority of the collection is textual (i.e., choosing
resource type "text" retrieves 637 documents while image only gets 94), such
as a bill to incorporate Louisville, the Journal of the Kentucky
Constitutional Convention, and many types of documents that range from
political broadsides and letters to advertising circulars and affidavits.
The 317-page monograph _The history of Kentucky : from its earliest
settlement to the present time_ is available in its entirety at the site,
with a frontispiece portrait of Daniel Boone. Boone aficionados can also
read the 30-page document _A collection of some of the most interesting
narratives of Indian warfare in the West: containing an account of the
adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the first settlers of
Kentucky..._. For those who want to enjoy color images, there are excerpts
from Audubon's _Birds of America_ and drawings by other naturalists,
featuring Ohio River Valley birds such as turkeys, robins, cardinals, and
passenger pigeons. [DS]


>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2002.

The Scout Report
 July 5, 2002
Volume 8, Number 26
Internet Scout Project
University of Wisconsin
 Department of Computer Sciences

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