on ann coulter

calbert at hslboxmaster.com calbert at hslboxmaster.com
Sat Jul 13 10:55:36 CDT 2002

Check out the Coulter "files" @



Original Message:
From:  alfredjprufrock at club-internet.fr
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 14:28:52 +0200
To: pynchon-l at waste.org
Subject: on ann coulter

for a good laugh and the kind of  fake knowledge of (european)
politics often displayed on frontpage i would also recommend her
articles "attack france" (
and the awesome "french voters tentatively reject dynamiting notre
dame", (http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=80),
in which the idiot says she doesn't understand how Le Pen can both be
against muslims and jews. hm. well that's what fascism is about,
moron. come over here and check it out if you don't understand. she is
crazy. kind of entertaining, but
totally out of her mind.
 and i agree with you otto. al kaida must be dealt with and brought to
justice in a way that will prove indeed that some values
are better than others. and prove that we actually do more than lip
service about those values.


O> I see her good jokes; that woman is crazy! The Al Kaida-terrorists are
O> *orphan boys* (German: "Waisenknaben" - if that makes sense in English)
O> compared to the SS and parts of the Wehrmacht. Nevertheless they must
O> down and brought to justice. But Ms. Coulter's call for open and unveiled
O> American Imperialism has to be rejected, because the kind of policy she
O> demands would bring just the opposite results, more terrorism, more
O> worldwide insecurity. Her point of view is a very limited, US-biased

O> Otto

O> ----- Original Message -----
O> From: <alfredjprufrock at club-internet.fr>
O> To: <pynchon-l at waste.org>
O> Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 12:58 PM
O> Subject: about frontpage
>> i don't know about you, but i tend to take everything that appears in
>> frontpage with a grain of salt. horowitz? i mean, come on. they have
>> interesting things to say and then drown them in right wing nut talk.
>> not always, i thought glazov's article interesting, although
>> insidiously flawed, in the end.
>> this website featured ann coulter's infamous article "this is war", in
>> which she wrote:
>> "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them
>> to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing
>> only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities;
>> we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."
>> http://www.nationalreview.com/coulter/coulter091301.shtml
>> i guess i'm more biased towards left wing humor or something. or was
>> she serious. noooo... anyway people in the US air force definitely
>> heard her...
>> bah, that wasn't funny either.
>> greg

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