MDDM Folly, Rabbit in the Moon & American race relations in the news

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Sun Jul 14 10:16:02 CDT 2002

MalignD at wrote:

> << Neither "grossly ahistorical" nor "patently preposterous" would disqualify
> such views from Pynchon's historical fiction, it seems to me -- he appears
> to be looking for a deeper truth, a bigger more comprehensive kind of
> "history", judging from M&D at least .... >>
> Perhaps you can explain to me how "a deeper truth, a bigger more
> comprehensive kind of 'history'" can be mined from the patently preposterous
> and grossly ahistorical.

Sadly, isn't it the desperate belief in the possibility of a rich mother lode
from which could be mined a BETTER history  for the Black people the conscious
motive for Afrocentricism? That it might be possible to create a different
historic outcome  by changing a people's perception of itself.

Can't very well call it a deeper truth or more comprehensive history except  in
a poetic sense.


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