Christianity and Pynchon

Jeff & Penny Harper padgett.harper at
Mon Jul 29 08:32:34 CDT 2002

Hi all,

Though I can tell I'm fighting well out of my class intellectually, I'm
fascinated by this discussion and would like to introduce the 
following points:

 - The whole idea of Preterite and Elect, of course, fits neatly
    into the Christian ethos -- Jesus' entourage (even in the stripped-
    down Jesus Seminar version) consisted almost entirely of the 
    Preterite of the day, and his enemies were the Elect.

 -  Had I but world enough and time I would do a text search on
    "kindness" -- this quality illuminates some of the most moving
     passages of Pynchon's writing, and is of the essence of Jesus'
     single commandment "Love one another."


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