pynchon and christianity

alfredjprufrock at alfredjprufrock at
Tue Jul 30 07:26:31 CDT 2002

i'm not american, and my last post wasn't that clear i guess but i
hope it didn't convey the idea that i thought pynchon anti- or pro-
christian. i indeed think it's not the point, there's something beyond
that degree zero of thinking. i think he switches it on and off, I/O,
to suggest the grey area in the middle. as to what he persnonally
thinks about, who gives a hell? i mean, really. the man is known to us
by his books. he is pynchon to us, and not thomas. he is a writer, you
know. maybe he has an agenda. maybe not. maybe he's a devout catholic.
a crazy pagan. i could care less. his books are what count. his books
are neither pro nor anti christian. they project a world, if i may
thus express myself, that takes from both stances, and many more. of
course christianity is an important pynchonian theme. it should be. it
is a heart of symbols, how could pynchon avoid that.
but IMHO, whether he is a christian or not is a very useless issue.

Bac> What I find more egregious than claims that the texts
Bac> are deliberately pro-christian are sweeping comments
Bac> like the one made earlier (in this smoke-filled forum
Bac> where ideas are like billiards and true identities barely
Bac> discernible) that the author is incapable of anything
Bac> other than supporting or re-jecting- swimming with or
Bac> against the current- of christianity, simply because
Bac> he happens to be an American writer. As an American
Bac> not raised as a christian such comments are insulting
Bac> on various levels, but I must admit, are themselves 
Bac> examples of the chauvanistic tide against which
Bac> preternatural doggie paddlers, like myself, are forever
Bac> seeking purchase. A copy of one of Pynchon's novels
Bac> bobbing along in the stream have often served as a
Bac> momentary respite.

Bac> In a message dated 7/30/02 6:11:06 AM, alfredjprufrock at 
Bac> writes:

Bac> << i was raised a catholic too. raised one. then, you know, i started
Bac>  thinking by myself and making my own choices. pynchon's being raised
Bac>  a catholic  doesn't mean he still is a christian. i challenge you to prove 
Bac> he still is a
Bac>  catholic. go ask him. he he. :)

Bac>  greg
Bac>  >>

Best regards,
 alfredjprufrock                            mailto:alfredjprufrock at

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