re re: affinity for Doug's works

public domain publicdomainboquita at
Sat Jun 22 18:14:48 CDT 2002

--- Tim Strzechowski <dedalus204 at> wrote:
> > > public domain:
> > My complaint is that you keep saying
> > there are fascists and neo-fascists, right-wing
> > conservatives and Bush supporters on this list
> when 
> > you know there are none. 
> There aren't any Bush supporters on this list?? 
> Really??
> Tim

Can you help Doug out and name just one? 

There is a difference, I'm sure you understand,
between being a Bush supporter and disagreeing with
how and why 
people choose to attack the W here on Pynchon-L. For
example, I don't agree that  a speach problem (W
obviously has a speach problem)  and being stupid  are
 the same thing. I have a gifted child, she has 152
IQ, but she has a serious speach problem. So, I'm not
defending Bush when I point out that the argument that
goes, Bush can't speak and is therefore a dumb man, is

Doug won't and can't name a single neo-fascist or Bush
supporter and niether can you, Tim. Simply put, there
are none on this list. 

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