MDMD history WAS re Re: re Re: re re: affinity for Doug's works
Doug Millison
millison at
Sat Jun 22 18:17:36 CDT 2002
>From a Pynchonian perspective, does it really matter if Bush Jr is guilty
of conspiracy regarding the 9/11 attacks or not? To bring this discussion
back to M&D, Pynchon seems to be saying that all of these stories that
people tell about themselves, about America, are part of the history that
we have to deal with. In Vineland, Pynchon repeats the sub-culture belief
about Bush Sr. being responsible for the cocaine trade in the U.S. True or
not, lots of people believe these kinds of stories, of a piece with the
rest of the stories a that make culture in the first place. If people act
as if something is true, it hardly matters whether or not it is really
true, and belief can sometimes make it come true -- cf. the Schwarzkommando
in GR.
"Never Reporters that anyone else was likely to believe,-- men who ate the
Flesh and fornicated with the Ghosts of their Dead, murders and Pirates on
the run, monks in parchment Coracles stitched together from copied Pages of
the Book of Johnah, fishermen too many Nights out of Port any Runagate
craz'd enough to sail West." (M&D 487)
" [...] that there may continue more than one life-line back into a Past we
each day, losing our forbears in forever,-- not a Chain of single Links,
for one broken Link could lose us All,-- rather, a great disorderly Tangle
of Lines, long and short, weak and strong, vanishing into the Mnemonick
Deep, with only their Destination in common." (M&D 349)
>I would love to see Bush and his
>co-horts caught in some bullshit, but I have as yet to see any convincing
>evidence for all of this conspiracy blather.
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