affinity for Doug's works

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Sat Jun 22 20:48:41 CDT 2002

I heartilly endorse the discussion of all topics relating to the
underlying messages of Pynchon's work.  The fact that so much happening
today is relevant to themes in Pynchon's work that posters would be
remiss not to provide links to articles.

It is probably true that there are no "right wingers" on the list but the
fact is that shortly after 9/11 when many people, out of fear for the
safety of their loved ones,  became "super-patriots" and heaped abuse on
anyone who felt that the Bushies were using the "war on terorism" for
political gain. These "super-patriots" posted many messages which stated
that the works of Pynchon supported a "war on terrorism."  You can find
tons of these messages in the archives.

And in reference to Monica's fear for Pynchon's health because of the
incoherance of the interview:  first of all this was an interview that
was translated into Japanese and then back into English.  The reverse
translator's native tongue was not English.  Secondly, interviews rarely
make the author sound like a wordsmith.  Thirdly, the interview must have
been taken very soon after 9/11; hence the references to fear of taking
the subways and cigarette sales going up.  This was the paniced resonse
of many New Yorkers shortly after the attack


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