Ne fascist readers

public domain publicdomainboquita at
Sun Jun 23 08:23:17 CDT 2002

A search of the term "neofascist" is revealing--note
how Doug's sources define the term. Of course we have
been down this road before with the term
neo-nazi--Doug has accused participants here of being

Now I don't know how familiar Tim or Toby or any of
the other new folks rushing to Doug's defense are with
Pynchon novels since they don't discuss Pynchon much,
but anyone who has VL and GR or CL49 or M&D or V. or
read any one of Pynchon's novels can easily see that
Doug's calling list members neofascists is ugly,
nasty, offensive, stupid, absurd, and dangerous. 

What Doug is saying is that "all of the" 
"neo-fascists" are reading anti-fascist fiction. Now
why would neofascist do that? 

Why would superpatriots subscribe to and post to a
list where the novels being (or the novels that should
be) discussed attack superpatriotism (another term for

WHat is Doug actually saying about us? 

Get a grip,  Doug. 

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