This aint no intrigue

David Morris fqmorris at
Sun Jun 23 15:26:40 CDT 2002

>From: KXX4493553 at
>Who is it? Does it matter? Okay, sometimes Doug is posting too many, but is 
>that a reason for this new intrigue against him?  What hinders you to go on 
>with the M & D-discussion f. e?

There is no intrigue here.  Everything is out in the open:  Doug is an 
irresponsible ass who wishes nothing more than the entire attention of this 
list.  He does this through insult, knowing dishonesty (remember all his 
other personas (which he completely denied, but was so obvious that any ass 
could see through it)?), and any other form of manipulation that will get 
him all the attention he begs for.  THAT is what is destroying this list, 
not anonymity.  Anonymous assholes can be as as transparent as the named, 
Doug proved that well.

>Mailing-lists are a good opportunity for people who hide behind anonymity. 
>But it's also a good opporunity to destroy a mailing-list.

Again, anonymity is not the issue:  It's about bad behavior and list 
hijacking.  That is why I have personally chosen to boycott all Doug's posts 
for the last few months, and I regret I broke my own boycott.  It has proved 
its worth as this breech has shown.  But I will say this:  There has been 
much more traffic over this bullshit than in pure MD discussion, and that is 
a little sad.

Oh Well,
David Morris

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