The P-List

John Bailey johnbonbailey at
Sun Jun 23 20:08:46 CDT 2002

The P in P-List standing, of course, for Preterite. Haven't you heard about 
the other list, the E-list, where everybody understands what everyone else 
is trying to say, and the only things said are worth reading by all, and 
Pynchon himself contributes regularly and without the use of ambiguous 
language, and much laughter can be heard ringing out from the towers in 
which each E-list member sits alone? Those of us who have heard of it aspire 
to be delivered into the secrets of the E-list, to become the Elect, and are 
polite and patient so that when the E-list eye which occasionally sweeps 
across our poor gathering of dirty head-scratchers comes to rest upon us, 
standing straight and with well-scrubbed teeth, the finger might point and 
we can step up and out of this muddy ring.

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