This is the end, my friend

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Fri Jun 28 08:54:20 CDT 2002

KXX4493553 at wrote:

>    Part 1.1    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>            Encoding: quoted-printable

I DO identify with Kurt-Werner's  memories of youth If there had been a
Gravity's Rainbow yet when I was a 20-something  I would have probably
wanted to take politcal direction from it just as his cohorts had..
However I don't really understand the complaint about the present day
p-list discussion. One hypothesis did occur to me but it seemed too
awful not to reject out of hand: Pynchon is no longer worth reading or
discussing, because he cannot possibly serve the same purpose for
present day conditions as for those of 20 years ago.  Or, alternatively,
because he cannot be for middle aged and older readers (which most of
the prominent p-listers seem to be) what he was for the youth of  K-W's

OK, I just didn't "get" the post.


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