Politics, Bopp in Vineland, and MDDM Washington

JBFRAME at aol.com JBFRAME at aol.com
Fri Jun 28 19:40:03 CDT 2002

In a message dated 06/28/2002 5:28:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
jbor at bigpond.com writes:

> ...the "inheriting" and "passing on" in Pynchon's work

And it was the Democrat Woodrow Wilson who presided over the suspension of 
the Bill of Rights in the spring & summer of 1917 with the Sedition Act & the 
Espionage Act.  The Democrats are just as creepy as the Republicans when it 
comes to the Chicken Little mentality that seems to arise in times of 
national emergency.  We are actually in a "state of siege" at the present 
moment.  It's just been so carefully crafted that most Americans are 
blissfully unaware or simply ready to give up the very rights under attack by 
the international network of political-religious fanatics who destroyed the 
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