MDDM Ch. 38 Summary & Notes
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at
Mon Mar 4 01:53:32 CST 2002
Idle hands being the devil's workshop ...
--- jbor <jbor at> wrote:
> 385.24 "Le Gastreau's fam'd article in the
> *Encyclopédie*" ?
Well, this might not be complete yet ...
But no Le Gastreau to be found as a contributor to the
Encyclopedie (1751-72). But, of course, gastro- =
stomach, so ...
> 385.34 "Haimo of Halberstadt" ?
Haymo (Or Haimo).
"A Benedictine bishop of the ninth century; d. 26
March, 853. The exact date and place of his birth are
unknown. When a youth, he entered the Order of St.
Benedict at Fulda, where the celebrated Rabanus Maurus
was one of his fellow-students.... He had been living
for only a short while in the Benedictine monastery at
Hersfeld, perhaps as its abbot, when in the last weeks
of 840 he was nominated to the Bishopric of
Halberstadt. Hearing of Haymo's promotion, Rabanus
Maurus, his old friend, gave him at great length -- in
a work entitled 'De Universo' and divided into 22
books -- advice that would help him in the discharge
of the episcopal office. And it is in compliance with
Rabanus's suggestions, that Haymo stood aloof from the
Court of King Louis the German, did not entangle
himself in the affairs of the State, preached often,
and lived solely for the welfare of his diocese...."
"[In] the 9th century, Hincmar of Reims and Haimo of
Halberstadt . . . affirmed that . . . God leaves the
colour, taste and other outward properties out of
mercy to the worshippers who would be overcome with
dread if the underlying real flesh and blood were
nakedly revealed to their gaze!"
Cf. ...
And see also ...
> 386.4 "Damascus Steel" n. (History) a hard flexible
> steel with wavy markings caused by forging the metal
> in strips: used for sword blades.
Note that the forging of Damascus Steel (perhaps more
properly here "Pattern Welded Steel") ...
Is not unlike the making of croissant dough ...
> 389.21 "the old Spadroon" What's a spadroon?
SPADROON: European cut-and-thrust sword with a light,
flexible blade; double-edged near the point
Hope that's all of some help ...
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