Ch. 39 Summary & Notes
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at
Wed Mar 6 15:49:30 CST 2002
There is a hand ...
--- jbor <jbor at> wrote:
> 397.6 "a certain 'Urania'" ... "her fiancé Fabian"?
Then there's Lady Mary Wroth's The Countesse of
Mountgomeries Urania (1621) ...
"Lady Mary Wroth's prose romance The Countesse of
Mountgomeries Urania appeared in 1621, perhaps in a
bid for income from writing. The first ever long
fiction work by an Englishwoman, it recounts the
adventures of Pamphilia, Queen of Pamphilia, and her
lover Amphilanthus, interspersing many incidental
stories of women disappointed in love, particularly as
a result of their being married by their families to
the wrong man. Some of the stories appear to have been
based on intrigues in the Court of King James; as a
consequence Lady Mary was ordered to withdraw the book
from sale and it was never reprinted. A second volume
may have been planned, as the story is continued in
manuscript but remains unfinished."
"[Sir Philip] Sidney's niece, Lady Mary Wroth,
published The Countesse of Montgomeries Urania in
1621--the first published work of fiction by an
Englishwoman. Wroth emphasized her relationship to
Sidney, and to the Arcadia, but her text is a quite
different type of romance. For one thing, much of
Urania is a roman à clef that depicts contemporary
individuals and events in the guise of romance
characters and stories. Her thinly disguised account
of the powerful Denny family elicited a counterattack
from Sir Edmund Denny, the family patriarch [he called
her a 'Hermaphrodite in show, in deed a monster'],
which ultimately forced her to withdraw her book from
publication. The problems Wroth encountered predict
the problems that women writers would continue to
face-and the types of attacks that would be mounted on
'women who attempt the pen.'"
"This huge text is structured episodically, rather
like a chivalric romance, and contains an enormous
cast of characters...."
As well as ...
Waite, A.E. Azoth or the Star in the East:
Embracing the First Matter of the Magnum Opus,
the Evolution of Aphrodite-Urania, the Supernatural
Generation of the Son of the Sun, and the
Alchemical Transfiguration of Humanity.
Kila, MT: Kessinger, 1995 [1926].
My understanding is that Waite is Pynchon's source on
Tarot ..
Oops, gotta go, but will be back ...
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