re MDMD: America

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Mar 7 08:25:39 CST 2002

>"Scott Badger" (unfairly quoting Pynchon's text):
>>>Doug (never letting the text get in the way):
>>>Within the terms of discourse regarding non-violence, Dixon's act
is non-violent.  [...] "Non-violent" doesn't mean passive or non-reactive, 
it's action that stops short of  injuring or killing.
>'Dixon, moving directly, seizes the Whip,- the owner comes after it,- Dixon 
>places his Fist in the way of the oncoming Face,- the Driver cries out and 
>stumbles away. Dixon follows, raising the Whip. "Turn around. I'll guess 
>*you've* never felt this."
>"You broke my Tooth!"
>"In a short while thah's not going to matter much, because in addition, I'm 
>going to kill *you*...?[...]"'(698)
>Not exactly Ghandi...

Plainly Dixon was benevolently trying to help the slave driver extract a 
decayed tooth.

Q: Did Ghandi consider death threats to be "non-violent?"


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