re From Typology to Type

Doug Millison millison at
Fri May 17 10:34:10 CDT 2002

Thanks for passing that article along, Dave. Pynchon's typographical play
in M&D could be seen as a conscious response to Sterne's,-- the dash, yes,
and also the Capitalization of Certain Words.  The question has come up
often, here in Pynchon-L, if the capitalized words follow any meaningful
pattern. Paranoid readers might suspect some sort of coded-message scheme
(a la the Bible code that's been the subject of several books in recent
years), while others might see Pynchon merely having fun with a convention
of the novel's historical setting.

If, as this article suggests, Sterne "is making fun of the control exerted
by predecessors who pretended to leave all the power in the hands of
judicious readers but who, in fact, tried
to drown out every single reader's own private and silent voice, he is
showing how it is done and doing it in a way just a little more
technologically advanced"  then what might Pynchon's play say?

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