
Dirk Zimmermann pynchon at
Mon Nov 11 15:37:11 CST 2002

* RuudSaurins at <RuudSaurins at> [2002-11-07 22:29]:
> Symmetry in Physics,

> A female mathematician ... would be Emmy Noether.  I am not sure if
> she was Russian; I thought Prussian.

She was born in Erlangen near Nuremberg, so Bavarian (actually Franken,
don't know the correct English word).

> She is given credit for the development of the mathematical
> "formulae"(?) that are applied in modern physics to define "symmetry".  

A very wise woman she was. And important for the modern theoretical
physics, because of the "Noether theorem".

> Girls, math, physics, and symmetry; add a six-pack or sum wine, mebbe
> a smoak, 'new jest may have the stuffin' furry new novel (is "new
> novel" redundant?).

What ever, hopefully it will be published soon:-)

Dirk (writing from the "Emmy Noether Campus")

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