SLSL Intro "It Is Simply Wrong"

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Nov 12 09:18:23 CST 2002

--- Dave Monroe <davidmmonroe at> wrote:
> Jules Siegel:
> "It is a mistake in examining the work of any artist to insist on revealing
some grand architectural structure.  You can do this with Escher, because he
did work that way....  Tom is not that kind of artist....  Thus, I think that
it is sometimes better to just let him be himseff, without picking away to the
under-painting of his tableaux, because his sources are often disappointingly
thin.  This is not always a result of lack of diligence.  The sources
themselves are surprisingly shallow when you examine them closely with a
skeptical eye ....

I'm not a Jules-basher, but I get the feeling anyway Jules's comments are a
sort of under-handed dis of Pynchon's work.  He acts as if he sees through it
to a lack of real depth and thus advises us readers to not try too hard to
figure it outdisappointed be dissapointed.  He poses as the wise man who knows
Pynchon isn't as great as we think he is.  I get the feeling that Jules is

David Morris

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