MDDM Ch. 78

Otto ottosell at
Tue Oct 1 07:51:00 CDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Monroe" <davidmmonroe at>
To: "jbor" <jbor at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: MDDM Ch. 78

> "Next morning, at Breakfast, Doc is curious to know,
> 'Did you ever cast his Horoscope?'
>    "'Quite early on, tho' I never told him.  His natal
> Moon, in Aquarius...? and in Leo, the sign of his
> Birth, he's bless'd with a Stellium, of Mercury,
> Venus, and Mars,-- Mars being also conjunct with his
> Sun,-- tho' both are regrettably squar'd Jupiter and
> Saturn.  His Bread, that is, ever by the swaet of his
> did it prove to be,-- yet Vis Martis enough,
> and more, for the Journey...'" (M&D, Ch. 78, p. 765)
> "He was born in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, on
> July 27, 1733" (Danson, Drawing the Line, p. 53) ...
> Stellium
> "A meeting of three or more Planets or points, usually
> occurring within one Sign or House. It is a focal
> point of energy."
> "... Stelliums are made up of Aspects -- Conjunctions,
> to be exact. A Stellium refers to three or more
> Planets that form a series of Conjunctions in an
> astrological chart, regardless of whether the Planets
> span into two Houses or if they are in different Signs
> or the same Sign. Whatever the combination may be,
> their combined energies create a particular focus,
> making a Stellium deserving of attention.
> "Within a Stellium, the power of the Planets is
> focused according to the Signs and Houses involved....
> "One more complication: A Planetary member of a
> Stellium is subject to the influence of aspects to
> other Planets in the same Stellium, even if the Orb is
> too wide to normally include that Planet. This is
> called aspect by association."
> Vis Martis
> "Power of Mars"
> --- jbor <jbor at> wrote:
> >
> > 765.15 "Stellium"  a star chart?
> >
> > 765.18 "yet *Vis Martis* enough, and more, for the
> > Journey"  *Vis Martis* = strength/power of Mars?
> Astrology I don't know, but an interesting survival
> here in an alleged "Age of Reason," no?  And see ...
> Which, without actually elaborating on Dixon's
> horocope there, seems somehow to confirm it as
> apporiate, at least ...

Douglas writes in his Slothrop-nativity:

"(...) in both 1918 and 1919 there were exceptional constellations,
stelliums as they are termed. In the narrative there are many references to
Slothrop's "love life," his amorous and erotic encounters: real, imagined,
or arranged. Venus is regarded as the planet - the "Goddess!" - of love and
in 1918 there was an appropriate stellium in Leo involving Venus, Saturn,
and Neptune."

"The "Astrologer" in me genuinely feels that Thomas Pynchon has a deep
sympathy for astrology and utilizes it in his novels not only to depict a
stylistic postmodern binary along the lines of superstition vs. science,
symbolism vs. realism, true vs. false, etc., but also as a literary
expansion, suggestive association, and self-identification of many
characters in his novels."

Douglas must have been pleased to read this:

"But he knew how to cast a Chart, and had the current Year's Ephemeris by
Memory....Damme, he knew his Astronomy,-- tho' I teas'd him with it now and
then...." (M&D 765.20-23)

What is remarkable again (see 136.17-19) is the fact that Astronomy and
Astrology aren't divided yet into science and, what science and
enlightenment have made of Astrology later, a superstition.



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