MDDM: melancholy, Mason, Lolita
cathy ramirez
cathyramirez69 at
Wed Oct 2 02:01:29 CDT 2002
--- Dave Monroe <davidmmonroe at> wrote:
> No, no, no, all I did was look up blatantly obvious
> specifics in the index, and regret I've never had
> the
> time/perspicacity to actually read the whole damn
> thing. Cathy ("Cathy") is On To Something here, I
> believe. As she ("she") so often is, has been, will
> be, forever and ever, amen.
And what cathy is on to will never be posted here.
Never. Fragments and patchy prose is all you'll get.
Go on, rip one word out of context and bullshit like
Doug if it gives you some perverse satisfation. But if
you know the books you'll know what cathy is on to.
And you will get a chance to read it all soon.
Why should anyonme expose themselves and their hard
work to the Dougs and Badwaiths of the worls?
Come on, look what they did to Hollander.
I'm too street smart for that. Ain't I cat?
You bet.
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