Elite Quiz [was Re: melancholy, Mason, Lolita]

Doug Millison pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 2 10:48:09 CDT 2002

"Yet there are signs that serious readers, albeit
distant and scattered, provide the potential elements
of a congregation of sensitivities that almost 100
years ago the first American intellectuals were
seeking. Three-quarters of a century ago the editors
of The New Yorker somewhat arrogantly declared that
their magazine was not meant for old ladies in
Dubuque; yet less than a half-century later some of
the best readers of The New Yorker were old ladies in
places like Dubuque. I think that it is at least
possible that in the future The Reader may become a
recognizable American type, a potential component of a
class, even though belonging to a minority -- at a
time when The Intellectual, as a recognizable type,
may have become obs., as the dictionary abbreviation
puts it, meaning obsolete."

 October 4, 2002
The Obsolescence of the American Intellectual

> --- Keith McMullen <keithsz at concentric.net> wrote:
> > Select four.
> > 
> > A good reader should:
> [...]


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