MDDM: melancholy, Mason, Lolita

arkascha at arkascha at
Thu Oct 3 03:26:44 CDT 2002

Right Dave,

Tim was right to say it. Toby had the right idea too. As the saying goes: you can fool some people sometimes but ...

I knew it too, not from the beginning but from the way some of the "later" posts were written but decided to treat "her" like I've always treated "him".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Monroe" <davidmmonroe at>
To: "cathy ramirez" <cathyramirez69 at>; "lorentzen-nicklaus" <lorentzen-nicklaus at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: MDDM: melancholy, Mason, Lolita

> Okay, ritual protest time here (again) ...
> --- cathy ramirez <cathyramirez69 at> wrote:
> > 
> > PS good job Tim, your some fucking sherlock ain't
> > ya.  ya see, most of the frauds and pests here never
> > say a thing about the books, they are more
> > interested in the spy vs spy game and the list
> > itself.
> Well, SOMEBODY had to say it, didn't they?  We have
> indeed moved into that post-Vineland space of OPEN
> (vs., say, those closed open ones of The Crying of Lot
> 49) open secrets.  And I wish Tim (among many, many
> others here) had more time to post, 'cos he's one of
> those (among many, many others here) who's managed to
> Say at LEAST a Bit of Something Interesting and Maybe
> Even Useful here.  Okay, gotta run, so ...
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