Slow Learner - sign up

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Thu Oct 3 13:45:43 CDT 2002

Apparently, my sense of humor is at times either too
dry or just plain too humorless.  No, again, I
encourage any and all participation, and, in
recognition of Robert's heroic effort on M&D (thanks
again, the incentive to read and research was/is/will
be greatly appreciated), I will endeavor to be as
active as possible through a reading of SL as
possible, and not simply during my own little stints
as ringmaster.  The short stories are virtually terra
incognita to me, at least insofar as any close,
serious reading goes, so ... so, again, let's go for
it, okay?  It's not like Vineland is likely to become
irrelevant anytime soon, now, is it?  Alas ...

--- Samuel Moyer <smoyer at> wrote:
> Dave, I assumed this was a joke... note that Barbara
> isn't signing her name....  but I like the group
> suggestion.  I would participate in the Under
> the Rose segment.... though I'd never find the time
> to go it alone.

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