antw. mddm/: famous last words

David Morris fqmorris at
Sat Oct 5 00:24:33 CDT 2002

It's about all of the below, and it's about magic.

Magic is the Religious Realm.  Magic is the Big Daddy.  Magic supports the 
posturing of the Underdog.

But I love Jere Dixon as myself.  Such love is my guilty pleasure, admitting 
desire fore a Big Daddy.

Peace & Love,
David Morris

>From: <vze422fs at>
>It's about a lot of things : futility, melancholy, the confusion of our 
>complex lives, and lost love. It's also about the heroism of men who don't 
>drive tanks and win wars, but have the simple courage of decency and 
>compassion. I raise my glass of Spaten Oktoberfest to Jere Dixon. May he 
>seize the whip through eternity.

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