Spinning a black web again (was rumor)

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Sat Oct 5 16:25:16 CDT 2002

  Doug Millison wrote:

>Your slander suggested, as Prof. Krafft noted, that
>PN's independent editorial program might be influenced
>by a personal squabble among PN contributors.

Actually,  John K. said that if he were thin skinned he MIGHT take the 
remark as an insult to the professionalism of PN, Rob, and Doug. Seems 
to me any slander levelled against PN would be of a pretty feeble sort 
if it depended on the plausibility  of silly gossip influencing which 
papers get published in PN, particularly if the gossip is traceable to 
anyone with the reputation  of Doug.

Isn't "squabble among PN contributors" Doug's construction alone? His 
way of trying to elevate  himself? It's pitiful.


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