Where is Hollander essay?

Michel Ryckx michel.ryckx at freebel.net
Tue Oct 8 13:18:53 CDT 2002

Well, for those who want to read it all over, and in light of the SLSL, 
here are the different Pynchon related articles, written by Charles 
Hollander, available online:

Pynchon's Inferno: http://www.ottosell.de/pynchon/inferno.htm
Mr. Hollander's Magic Eye : 
Mr. Hollander on the early works : 
Abrams Remembers Pynchon : 

which is another proof of Mr. Hollander's generosity.

He is, as many on this list can tell,  warm and kind --and  very funny.


s~Z wrote:


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