Abstract Fiction

MalignD at aol.com MalignD at aol.com
Fri Oct 11 14:21:42 CDT 2002

David Monroe:

<< You know, I've got that Penguin 3-in-1 Henry Green thing.  Worth starting 
in on in the near future? >>

Well I certainly think so, but I think it's fair to say he won't be to 
everyone's delight.  As I said in an earlier post, nothing much happens in 
his novels which, to my mind, isn't a criticism, but it might be to another.  
A quick test:

"They danced again and again until, as the long night went on they had got 
into a state of unthinking happiness perhaps."

That sentence is from his novel Nothing and it's a particular favorite of 
mine.  If it doesn't grab you, chances are the rest of Green might not either.

The three-in-one Penguin collection of Green novels is one of three great 
literary bargains I know of, by theway, along with Three by Flannery 
O'Connor, and Zuckerman Bound (three novels and a novella by Philip Roth), 
both in trade paperback. 

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