Bush, Ashcroft speak at Bob Jones University

Bandwraith at aol.com Bandwraith at aol.com
Mon Oct 14 20:04:34 CDT 2002

Seems like only yesterday, does it not? Then again, much
water under the damn- time irredeemable. Or so Bush, 
Ashcroft, Falwell, Robertson, and the rest of the faithful
would love for the left to believe- "That's okay, big fella."
You just ease back down on the couch, have some more
chips, watch a little more tube, surf over to the latest
scantily clad survivor site. We'll take care of business. Oh,
and don't forget about your Christmas Shopping list- that's
one thing you need to do. But, hey, you can do it online! Never
have to move, except to the fridge, of course."

Yes, all is well, in the land of jesus- rest content. "Sleep, sleep,"
intones the drag queen of the west... "not to worry, Zoyd."

Which is why:

    In this century we have come to think of Sloth as primarily 
    political, a failure of public will allowing the introduction of 
    evil policies and the rise of evil regimes, the worldwide fascist
    ascendancy of the 1920's and 30's being perhaps Sloth's 
    finest hour, though the Vietnam era and the Reagan-Bush 
    years are not far behind. Fiction and nonfiction alike are full 
    of characters who fail to do what they should because of 
    the effort involved. How can we not recognize our world? 
    Occasions for choosing good present themselves in public 
    and private for us every day, and we pass them by. Acedia 
    is the vernacular of everyday moral life. Though it has never 
    lost its deepest notes of mortal anxiety, it never gets as 
    painful as outright despair, or as real, for it is despair bought 
    at a discount price, a deliberate turning against faith in 
    anything because of the inconvenience faith presents to the 
    pursuit of quotidian lusts, angers and the rest. The compulsive
    pessimist's last defense -- stay still enough and the blade of 
    the scythe, somehow, will pass by --Sloth is our background 
    radiation, our easy-listening station -- it is everywhere, and 
    no longer noticed.



    As well-known President and unintentional Luddite D.D.
    Eisenhower prophesied when he left office, there is now 
    a permanent power establishment of admirals, generals 
    and corporate CEO's, up against whom us average poor 
    bastards are completely outclassed, although Ike didn't 
    put it quite that way. 

    We are all supposed to keep tranquil and allow it to go 
    on, even though, because of the data revolution, it 
    becomes every day less possible to fool any of the 
    people any of the time.


Washington, D.C., October 26:  STOP THE WAR!


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