antw. I got dem crazy sue denim blues on again

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Tue Oct 15 05:16:28 CDT 2002

Dave Monroe schrieb:

> Once again, they've given one to Claude Simon, when's

  now, claude simon wrote "la route des flandres", a novel much better   
  than m&d.... the way simon writes about horses is similar to the way cormac   
  mccarthy does.... after heaving read "blood meridian" with real enthusiasm 
  (well, the first two sleeps she suffered from nightmares), kirsten is now 
  doing "suttree".... what have ahab, blicero and the judge in common? no, you 
  tell me....  

                                             später, kai  

> the Nobel committee getting 'round to Alain
> Robbe-Grillet?  We're due for a Frenchman as well ...

> --- Terrance <lycidas2 at> wrote:
> > 
> > It is well known that the Nouveau Roman calls into
> > question most of our expectations of what a
> > narrative should be ...

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