"But the world isn't like that"

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Thu Oct 17 11:16:17 CDT 2002

Elainemmbell at aol.com wrote:

> Help!  I'm caught in surreality!   Are these "parties" real, imagined, 
> or if you can't tell you can't attend?
> Elaine M.M. Bell, Writer
> (860) 523-9225

Dear Elaine,

You're new around here and deserve an explanation. When Doug can't get 
actual flesh and blood  p-listers to rally round his programs for the 
betterment of humankind, he makes up persons and events he hopes will 
nudge things along a little. The entire imaginary scene takes place in 
his online "newsroom" with the door bolted from the inside, the shades 
pulled down tight, and the family away in the country.


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