American's transcend decline

vze422fs at vze422fs at
Sun Oct 20 01:54:37 CDT 2002

on 10/19/02 5:45 PM, Terrance at lycidas2 at wrote:
> And I believe
> These are the days of lasers in the jungle
> Lasers in the jungle somewhere
> Staccato signals of constant information
> A loose affiliation of millionaires
> And billionaires and baby
> These are the days of miracle and wonder
> This is the long distance call
> The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
> The way we look to us all
> The way we look to a distant constellation
> That's dying in a corner of the sky
> Therse are the days of miracle and wonder
> And don't cry baby, don't cry
> Don't cry
> --Payl Simon

Hey I have a great idea! My career is in the toilet. I'll go to your
country. I'll listen to all these great songs that you sing. I'll study
them. I'll write a whole bunch of songs that sound just like them. To make
it sound really authentic, I'll hire you at union scale to play on my record
that sounds just like your songs. People will pat me on the back for being
such a cool guy who is so nice to give you a job. I'll keep the millions in
royalties. I won't record any of your songs that mine sound just like
because then I would have to share. I'm so proud that I did Ladysmith Black
Mambazo such a huge favor when people started calling me Mr. Brickell.

--Paul Simon

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