Ayn Rand

Elainemmbell at aol.com Elainemmbell at aol.com
Thu Oct 24 08:41:22 CDT 2002

Thank you so much for that explanation...I was really beginning to wonder if 
I had missed the (invisible?) thread that told everyone except me that we 
were now an Ayn Rand list rather than a Pynchon list.  Ayn Rand broke my 
heart when I was 15 and my best friend, dear beloved Diane, decided to 
interpret "objectivism" as a philosophy requiring her to drop all friends and 
family and generally behave in the most obnoxious, self-conscious, arrogant, 
and unattractive ways within her command (and her command was extensive 
indeed!).  I read everything I could, thinking I could counter her 
interpretation of the Great Rand's execrable (I thought) writing and thus 
save our long relationship, but Diane thought faster and argued louder so I 
lost both the debate and the friendship.  It has been very spooky to see Ms. 
Rand resurfacing, unwelcome, in my cyberlife...whew!  glad it's almost over!  
 PLEASE don't start talking about Louise Gluck anybody, okay? (or Anne Sexton 
or Sylvia Plath or maybe any female writer later than the Bronte sisters)

as always...emmb

Elaine M.M. Bell, Writer
(860) 523-9225
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