"Your children are not safe, anywhere at anytime."
pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 24 11:37:27 CDT 2002
If you need a Pynchon hook -- and that seems unlikely
these days -- consider the concern Pynchon shows for
children in his work. (I'm happy to let somebody else
work out the Rand-relevance.) If you don't want to
read anything with current political relevance, press
DELETE now and party on!
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 21:27:07 -0400
From: "Michael Moore's Mailing List"
October 23, 2002
Dear friends,
The note from the sniper could not have been more
clear: "Your children are
not safe, anywhere at anytime." How did snipers get to
be so smart? Have
truer words amidst such madness been spoken before?
"Your children are not
And so the parents of the DC area are now in a state
of holy terror. The
news media is at full throttle: "Keep your children
home! Your child could
be next! The sniper is everywhere!"
And this morning, for the first time, there is talk
that perhaps election
day in the Capital area should be postponed -- or at,
the very least, the
polls must be manned by armed troops. Fear reigns. The
democratic process
can wait. Our children are not safe.
Yes, our children ARE not safe. They have not been
safe for some time.
Every single day in America, at least 8 children (19
yrs. old and younger)
are killed by gun violence in the United States. EVERY
America between 30 and 40 people are murdered by
someone using a gun. EVERY
SINGLE DAY in America another 40 to 50 people use a
gun to kill themselves.
None of this has created a panic. These 80+ deaths a
day by gunfire do not
lead off the evening news. We have, sitting in our
homes, a quarter-BILLION
guns. And, yet, not one of those guns would have saved
anyone shot by the
sniper. The sniper knows -- "Your children are not
But it is not just because of his actions or the
actions of those who
collaborate each day in his -- and our -- carnage that
makes our children
Your children are not safe because we live in a
country where we value
bombs and missiles more than we do textbooks and
Your children are not safe because we still will not
provide them with the
most basic of human rights, one that nearly every
other country on earth
has: that ALL children have a right to free health
care should they get
Your children are not safe because we stuff them full
of McDonald's and
Ritalin and then wonder why they have diabetes at 13
or shoot up the school
a week before graduation.
Your children are not safe because they saw us adults
allow a man to steal
the White House, and then we did nothing about it.
They learned that lying
and stealing are OK, but "one person, one vote" is a
Your children are not safe because one in six of them
live in poverty,
while Bush's friends and business partners make off
with loot from the
pension funds and the stock market.
Yes, the sniper has got it figured out. The children
have been targets for
some time, and the "snipers" who take their lives,
ruin their lives, run
If you want to do something to make our children's
lives a bit safer, one
thing you can do is to participate in one of the
various demonstrations
taking place this Saturday around the country
protesting Bush's war against
Iraq (check out my website, www.michaelmoore.com
<http://www.michaelmoore.com/> , for details). Nearly
a half-million Iraqi
kids have died already in the last decade, thanks to
our sanctions which
have starved them and our bombs which have killed
Now Bush the Sniper has a new message to the Iraqi
people: "Your children
are not safe, anywhere at anytime."
Death in DC, death from DC. It is all too much, and it
all has to stop. If
Bush and his NRA buddies hadn't prevented the
formation of a national
database for ballistics fingerprinting, the police
would have been able to
trace the sniper's bullets to the actual gun that he
is using. He might
have been caught by now. But no -- we must protect the
rights of the sniper
to make sure that his constitutionally-protected
assault weapon is not
registered or on any kind of list anywhere, anytime.
I am sick and tired of the children not being safe. I
want this insanity
ended now. Remove the Republicans and
Republican-wannabes on November 5th,
pack the rallies this Saturday, and tell your children
that we are sorry
that this is the world we have created for them and
that we will now do
whatever we can to make it a safer place.
Michael Moore
mmflint at aol.com
PS. Sniper Porn -- a.k.a. nonstop news coverage that
tells you nothing new
but titillates and scares the bejeepers out of you --
pre-empted the
hour-long Donahue show from Flint on Monday night.
I've been told it may
air this Thursday night (Oct. 24) at 8pm/11pm ET/PT on
MSNBC. It's a great
show, live from the Flint premiere of my film, with
Phil and 300 mostly
Flint-area residents speaking their minds. The film
continues to set
records and, on Monday night, it became the #1 film in
the country in per
screen average at the box office! Thanks to everyone
who has seen it. It
arrives in more cities this Friday.
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