Sigmoid Flexure Mundus
lycidas2 at
Sat Oct 26 10:23:47 CDT 2002
Mark Wright AIA wrote:
> Howdy
> --- Terrance <lycidas2 at> wrote:
> > That's word play.
> and
> > Prevent the War. Inspect Iraq.
> Indeed it is. How about "Delay the War. Inspect Iraq."
Swept as we are into the vortex of this war-time, our information
one-sided, ourselves too near to focus the mighty transformations which
have already taken place, and without a glimmering of the inchoate
future, we are incapable of apprehending the significance of the
thronging impressions, and know not what value to attach to the
judgments we form. We are constrained to believe that never has any
event been of so much that is valuable in the common wealth of humanity,
nor so misleading to so many of the clearest intelligences, nor so
debasing to the highest that we know. Science herself has lost her
passionless impartiality; in their deep embitterment her servants seek
for weapons from her with which to contribute towards the defeat of the
But probably our sense of these immediate evils is
disproportionately strong, and we are not entitled to compare them with
the evils of other times of which we have not undergone the experience.
The individual who is not himself a combatant feels bewildered in his
orientation, and inhibited in his powers and activities. Two things in
this war have aroused our sense of disillusionment: the low morality
shown externally by states which in their internal relations pose as the
guardians of moral standards, and the brutality shown by individuals
whom, as participants in the highest human civilization, one would not
have thought capable of such behavior.
You would think the fury of aerial bombardment
Would rouse God to relent; the infinite spaces
Are still silent. He looks on shock-pried faces.
History, even, does not know what is meant.
You would feel that after so many centuries
God would give man to repent; yet he can kill
As Cain could, but with multitudinous will,
No farther advanced than in his ancient furies
Was man made stupid to see his own stupidity?
Is God by definition indifferent, beyond us all?
Is the eternal truth man's fighting soul
Wherein the Beast ravens in its own avidity?
Of Van Wettering I speak, and Averill,
Names on a list, whose faces I do not recall
But they are gone to early death, who late in school
Distinguished the belt feed lever from the belt holding pawl.
--Richerd Eberhart--
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