the facts, nothing but the facts

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Tue Oct 29 03:56:57 CST 2002

pynchonoid wrote:

>Mackin, credulous:
>>I have the A1 section of  yesterday's (10-27)
>>Washington Post  here in 
>>front of me. What it says is, ORGANIZERS ESTIMATED
>>more than 100,000.
>Yeah, the San Francisco Police reported 40,000 in SF
>Saturday, the SF Comical published that number, but
>credible observers report twice that number.
>If it's in the Post, it's got to be true? I've got a
>bridge you may be interested in purchasing, a fabulous
>money-making opportunity...
>The Post seems more like Bush Spin City these days:

As is obvious to all p-listers and has been noted many times here, the 
ONLINE JOURNALIST CAN'T READ but can only cut and paste.  An actual 
reader would have immediately detected that I was neither believing nor 
disbelieving  the Washington Post but was only correcting JBFrame's 
distortion of what the A1 section of Sunday's  paper printed.


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