please, no more hate mail on Pynchon-L

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Oct 31 21:51:04 CST 2002

A wise man said at the end of a movie called *The Jagged Edge,*  "Fuck him.  
He's trash."


>From: Terrance <lycidas2 at>
>To: Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at>
>CC: pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: please, no more hate mail on Pynchon-L
>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 00:42:34 -0500
>Paul Mackin wrote:
> >
> > Same old  Doug. Pity. The poems were kind of a nice change.
>Change, even a young kid like me has learned, is painful and difficult.
>old men like you learn to accept it with grace if they are wise.
>But doug is neither old like you nor young like me, well....that's no
>excuse is maybe he just can't deal with the slsl coming up and
>there are only a handful of people on his paper rout and we don't want
>his newspapers.
>who knows.
>PS i feel very good that Robert has taken a break from fighting doug and
>i feel bad that doug thinks moni (who is obviously smarter, wittier, a
>better poet, than me) is me but what can i do. i can only say that i did
>post as cathy ramirez and that was kinda obvious. prior to that i posted
>as wood jim. my mistake i guess because it has provided doug with an
>excuse to flame innocent people who happen to agree with me that doug is
>a jack ass. and don't worry if doug drags us all into court i'll pay for
>the dream team to kick his ass. '

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