From Review of Bio of Tom Stoppard in SF Chronicle by David Kipen--9/1/02

Otto ottosell at
Wed Sep 4 01:46:34 CDT 2002

Following the link Bandwraith has posted I came to this
and I followed the link to amazon where they have some sample pages of
"Arcadia"; and I like the beginning, the dialogue between 13-year old
Thomasina (!) and her math teacher:

Thomasina: Septimus, what is carnal embrace?
Septimus: Carnal embrace is the practice of throwing one's arms around a
side of beef.
Thomasina: Is it a sin?
Septimus: Not necessarily, my lady, but when carnal embrace is sinful it is
a sin of the flesh, QED. We had caro in our Gallic Wars- 'The Britons live
on milk and meat' - 'lacte et carne vivunt'. I am sorry that the seed fell
on stony ground.
Thomasina: That was the sin of Onan, wasn't it Septimus?
Septimus: Yes, he was giving his brother's wife a Latin lesson and she was
hardly the wiser after it then before. (...)

It goes on that way. I've never seen a Stoppard-play but they seem to be


> In a message dated 9/3/02 3:31:16 PM, r.romeo at
> writes:
> << "Stoppard's plays and screenplays excite a particular brand of
> anticipation. Several great writers pump out masterpieces at regular
> intervals without generating the kind of possessive, fanatical
> expectancy a new Stoppard does. As with Thomas Pynchon --  >>
> Is this true:


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