not MD more shocking fraud
Dave Monroe
davidmmonroe at
Sun Sep 29 00:41:03 CDT 2002
Well, (as) you know, I've said a bit of something or
another about said ambiguities myself here, but ...
--- cathy ramirez <cathyramirez69 at> wrote:
> ... what Rushdie and the others corectly identify as
> the ambiguity of his texts.
But without having Vineland at hand ...
"But what is perhaps most interesting, finally, about
Mr. Pynchon's new novel is what is different about it.
What is interesting is the willingness with which he
addresses, directly, the political development of the
United States, and the slow (but not total)
steamrollering of a radical tradition many generations
and decades older than flower power. There is a
marvelously telling moment when Brock Vond's
brainchild, his school for subversion in which lefties
are re-educated and turned into tools of the state, is
closed down because in Reagan's America the young
think like that to begin with, they don't need
Eliminating redundancy, is all? Will check ...
> Reviewers and scholars complained that P seemed to
> replace the THEM/THEY/Firm/Octopus/Etc. of GR with
> Reagan and Bush and Brock in VL. In doing so it,
> seemed to some, Pynchon has reduced his paranoid
> ambiguity to a bitter political history lesson about
> the 1960s.
> But what brings Brock down (not the revolutionaries
> who are THEIR S&M dance partners in the bind of Love
> & Death) is Reagan. This is exactly what brings down
> the FIRM/THEM/THEY/ETC. By some flip of the switch,
> some ironic karma, they ELECT fall from their own
> weight. Of course there are the preterite heroes
> living in the subjunctive rubish tip spaces and
> alternative spaces who put the lid on the bad guys.
> But the irony keeps turning. Praire (as a character
> and as an allegorical figure--that Praire or
> Vineland) yearns to be with Brock.
This is all very interesting, by the way, but ...
> What conclusions?
See previous posts, vs. works cited. But, hey, you
know, we ARE in need of a Pynchon text to move on to
in the not-too-distant future, so ...
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